Stun and marauder or juggernaut pop in and one hit you lol probably a hack. This post goes along with my stun one lol. I hope Bioware gives those players a nice permaban and also figures out some means to automatically track suspicious behavious and prevent these hacks from occuring more. The round finishing in roughly 1 minute means you get less fun, less kills, less valor, less experience, less credits, less medals and less comms yourself. Yesterday there was a post here with a few more details on what people actually saw happening, including someone placing charges on doors from the backside! That thread had a lot of name & shaming though, so obviously, it's no longer available.Īnd no, you do NOT benefit when it's someone on your team doing it either.
It's pretty easy to spot who did it when you browse through the final scoreboard though, those 2k+ attack points under the objectives scores kinda stand out. I've been in 3 games tonight where someone accessed the final console on voidstar long before anyone could possibly get there (all doors closed, both bridges closed, etc.). Somebody being/doing something better does not make them a hacker. I've been playing since day 1 early access and I've only seen 2 hackers, both in Huttball. I'm confused as to where you guys are seeing all of these 'hacks'.