There is actually a better alternative to the grinding and that is to use our Forge of Empires Hack which will give you the resources you need very fast and in a free manner without having to grind or pay.
Plus it will also progress more and it will help you get more resources, but even so that is not enough because you will have to grind for the things you want for a very long time until you get them. To do that you will have to get enough resources to build the buildings you want and research for many things in order to progress trough the game and make you kingdom more evolved than it already is with new technologies that it will help you get better things and make your kingdom even better with that. With that you will accomplish the biggest goal in the game and that is to make your kingdom great, but in order to do that you will have grind your way trough all the hard things that it will take you a very long to to make the things you want and accomplish the main goal of the game. Bring the best trading and fighting skills because with Forge of Empires you will have a hard time to make the things you want in this game if you don't sharp those skills to become the best at what you do in order to make a great empire that it will grow bigger and bigger the more you progress in order to become one of the best if not the best kingdom there is in the game.