Sometimes, when Minecraft updates, we must remove some features and readd them later because MC code changes.How can I go to new planets?You can travel among planets since the 1.1.5 version of the StarWars mod. Then just download the mod and put it in your.minecraft/mods folder.Why can't I do this thing?Probably because we haven't added that feature yet. How can I install the StarWars mod?You must have the correct Forge version already installed. Expect many surprises and follow us on Facebook to check every news realtime!Finally, we are going to build an official website for the DDS, where we will host a new wiki and our model editor.
Our official server is updated too and we are organizing some new cool planets to visit and arenas!If you want to check all the new features, please check the.Next 1.1.6 update will be dedicated to clones and droids factions. The 1.1.5c version is mainly an update to Minecraft 1.7.2, but it has some cool features and several important bug fixes.